Objectives of the worldwide STEP organisation
STEP is established for the following objectives relating to those working in the fields of trusts and estates :
a) To raise the public profile of trust and estate work as a profession in its own right.
b) To provide a forum for individuals drawn from the legal, accountancy, corporate, trust and related professions whose occupations includes a significant involvement, at a specialist level, with any of the planning, creation, management of and accounting for, trusts and estates, executorship administration and related taxes.
c) To discuss aspects of tax, accounting, administration, statute and case law which are of general concern.
d) To advance knowledge and learning in respect of trusts, estates and allied subjects and encourage and promote the study of trusts and estate practice and to educate members of the public including practitioners.
e) To organise and hold conferences, meetings and assemblies to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of relevant information and data to promote a better understanding of the practical aspects of the foregoing.
f) To undertake research and make suggestions and representations of a technical (strictly non-political) nature to governmental and other persuasive bodies to promote a better understanding of the foregoing and to improve the law relating to and practice of trusts and estates.
g) To maintain requisite standards for practitioners by way of education and training and to organise and hold appropriate examinations and issue qualifications.
h) Generally to participate at a local level, by and through both social and technical events organised by branches. In particular, members may meet people engaged in similar work to themselves drawn from different firms and professions, to discuss matters of common interest and to learn how such matters are viewed from different perspectives.